Brand Posture - Brand up to stand up now!

I’ve lost count of the amount of times people apologise when they show me their business card, brochure or website. It’s a sure sign that they’ve fallen out of love with their logo.

Feeling pride in your brand is a key to confidence - and if you aren’t feeling it, then why would anyone else?

When you invest in a strategic branding design, every stage is a refining process that gets us nearer to the essence of your unique business.

We build off this clarity to create a beautiful and unique brand identity, that you love, and most importantly, so do your ideal clients!

I’m halfway through a branding project, and I received this feedback:

“I just wanted to say, I love what you’ve sent so far. Truthfully it has covered everything and for the first time in 15 years I actually feel proud of what I do.”

And he’s not alone, I coined the phrase Brand Posture to describe the amazing transformation my clients go through!

If you’re not feeling the feels for your business at the moment - Please get in contact!

Jade Thomas

Hi, I'm Jade, Brand Maven (Yes, that is my official title.) at Eau Rouge ltd. I help small businesses clarify how they want their ideal clients to feel. Then, using colour psychology and over 25 years branding experience, I blend these feelings into a cohesive, beautiful and unique brand that will send exactly the right visual vibes to their ideal clients! I then build the most gorgeous and easy to use Squarespace websites for my clients, just like this one! Oh and my side-hustle is jewellery design - check out @jadethomasjewellery on socials!

Frequently Asked Questions to ask a Designer Part 3


What is a branding mood board and why create one?